The Nightingale Sings

You slip out of a frenzied sleep atop a hill in the glades. You hear the rolling winds, you feel the tall grass beneath your body, you hear the nightingale singing. You have been traveling these glades for fifteen years, and the only souls you have seen are the stars above you. You whistle the... Continue Reading →


You live by yourself in the middle of the woods in a log cabin. You chop wood daily and have grown accustomed to animals surrounding your home. You listen to their crows, their rattling, their wings flapping. You learn to love and respect each of them. You share the grounds with them and it is... Continue Reading →


Your kingdom is waiting for you to address it, hopeful that the new king will be merciful. You step towards the stone path that leads you through your people and everyone turns to look. Your first step on the stone brings you to your knees. But you aren't sure if it is the heat the... Continue Reading →


You're warm and comfortable under the safety of your homemade blanket. You're in the midst of a dreamscape....dreaming of a strange man and a dragon. You feel your cat jump onto your tummy, purring the wind through your ears like the dragon flying high above the clouds. Your cat unexpectedly spasms off you. The next... Continue Reading →


“For she doth make my veins and pulses tremble.” -Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy Processed with VSCO with av4 preset  “I thought we were close,” Ana said. She was sitting in the passenger seat, staring at a map of the country. He knew she had no idea where they were currently at, but she persisted in helping.... Continue Reading →

Gen. Survivor

Year: 3010 Phase: 6 Population: 1.6 billion Remaining Countries: United States, China “What is the one moment do you want to relive again?” Sandra asked. He knew the answer as soon as she asked it, but he wanted to give her the pleasure of thinking through all their fun times together. Axis cocked his head to the side as... Continue Reading →

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